Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blogging is Good for You/A Rare Day Off

"Taking time to write a blog can be time consuming but it is worth it in the long run." That was my sister, Hannah. The original title of this post was supposed to be "A Rare Day Off." But in learning how to insert photos (never mind how to do photo/text wrap arounds), I've frittered away a good hour now futzing with it. And now why does Hannah keep asking me why I don't blog more?!

Kitty in the Hale (Home)
As a nurse, I work 12-hour shifts too many times per week and since it was going to be in the 90s, I decided I would enjoy the nice warm weather (my favorite kind) by being lazy, plus I didn't feel so good and I was exhausted from work. So I went for my morning walk, started the laundry, took out the trash, started watering the new oleanders, fed the felines, fed me and then crawled back under the crisp, clean sheets.  I woke up to the dulcet tones of Hannah's ringtone.  I looked down to see Faith, my kitten (pictured above) luxuriating in the bed spread. Lunch calls. No suffering, the sky is blue and par Davis, it is absolutely gorgeous out. 

Operation Fig Rescue

Lunch finds us sitting on Hannah's porch just a few blocks away, musing about our travel bucket list. But I was sitting there the whole time just enjoying the warm weather wash over me, thinking that it was so pleasant right there on the porch eating left overs, knowing the beach and the mountains were just 2 hours away whenever I needed them.  Much more important was to rescue the remaining figs off of her tree. Home-made fig dressing on the hoof. So up the ladder I went, higher and higher to pluck the waiting fruit from their boughs.  I'm salivating as I'm typing. There are rumours of pesto and fig dressing drenched salad tonight with rotissierie chicken.  I love my days off.

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