Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Blog It?

Rose in bud at a foreclosed home

 Originally, I began this as a way to keep in touch with friends and family spread out around the globe. I knew they would want to know how things were going with my new life in California. I grew up in a family of teachers and writers, so as a nurse, starting a blog makes me feel a bit like a bull in a china shop.
Madison, eat your heart out, no more $4 peppers!

 I'd heard about the blog class from my sister, Hannah Klaus Hunter who has a gorgeous site and took the blog class before me. So filled with the possibilities and the commitment to building a more vibrant blog, I signed up for a 4-week blog class with Cynthia Morris and Alyson Stanfield.

Today’s assignment is to describe my ideal blog visitors and readers.  Frankly, if I get just a few "frequent flyers," as we call them in the ICU, I will be happy.  My ideal reader is someone who is working full-time and pursuing art on a part-time or side basis. Perhaps starting life anew and healing after a difficult life event.  I've relocated from Madison, WI to the far west and my blog is a means of using photography, art and writing to reflect on what I've experienced and what I'm discovering in California to forge a new and better life.

So Happy Halloween and when I was out walking, what should I see, but a plastic flamingo--not an unusual site in Madison, where the pink flamingo rules since the Pail and Shovel Party put thousands of them on Bascom Hill at UW Madison in 1981. But in my neck o' the woods we keep 'em pink and dress 'em up for each holiday. Here, they look like they've just come out of the CAT Scanner!

I'm Radioactive!


  1. Go Amy!

    Only you could discover the flamingo who had been to x-ray--It's that x-ray vision of yours!

  2. Greetings Amelia,

    Only by sheer luck have we discovered your blog and now we can saw welcome to blogging but especially for having been one of the very first followers of Miss Kitty's blog.

    We now see how you discovered her site since dad's other blogs are part of dads and Hannah's blog roaster. So it is a pleasure to meet you and we look forward to hearing more of you California experiences in the coming months.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont (dad)

  3. PS: we hope to see more of your kitty and that we also get to learn of her/his name.

    Ms K

  4. Hello and Purrrr to you Miss Kitty,

    I am honored that you have found Amelia's blog for I have enjoyed your blog tremendously. My name is Faith, but Amelia seems to delight in calling me Princess Trouble or The Kittenator. She seems to think I have an excess of energy. I think it has something to do with chasing my step-brother Gizmo around the house. I'll make sure she writes more about us and the 2 outdoor ferals she befriended. Thank you for visiting!

  5. Hi Amelia,
    I'm Kathryn, a classmate in the Triage class.
    I'm so glad that you have opted to blog.The posts that I have read have an energy and sparkle that is engaging. Sounds like your big move to the sun has opened your eyes to what's around you. It's too bad that most of us rarely see what is around us. Enjoy the sun!!

  6. Amelia - I am also a classmate in Blog Triage. I admire your courage to move halfway around the country! 16 years ago, I left an unhappy marriage to move to the "big city" of Atlanta. I hope you find all the love and joy that I have.
